Category: General

General posts about markets

Debunking open source myths

Pretty much everyone will have used open source software either directly or indirectly. After all, Linux is open source software, and runs on most servers these days. If you’ve ever used the web, it is likely you’ve indirectly used one of these servers. On a personal level, I’ve open sourced some libraries such as finmarketpy…

Avoiding startup stumbling blocks

Over the past five years I’ve been working independently initially at the Thalesians and now my full time focus is now on Cuemacro. I’ve written about some of my experiences during this time. In this article I take a broader view not only of what I’ve learnt, but what other startups have accomplished in the past…

Crowdsourcing in markets

What is crowdsourcing? If we ask Wikipedia, it tells us that it “is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services. These services include ideas and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly-evolving group of internet users; it divides work between participants to achieve a cumulative result.” Within a trading context, how…

Cloud choices

I used to love browsing in record shops. Sometimes you’d stumble across music, that you would never ordinarily think of buying. Record shops are still with us of course (vinyl in particular is experiencing a renaissance), however, more broadly the way music is delivered to consumers has changes. Today, we don’t seem to own “music” anymore.…