Category: General

General posts about markets

What questions to ask in quant?

Often the most difficult thing in research in quant, just like every other area, is simply getting started. Once you know the question you’re trying to answer at least you have an idea of a potential path. Of course precisely which question you might want to ask to dependent on the objective. Whilst having a…

Industry TV drama or grad reality?

There are many subjects which seem to cause discussion on financial Twitter or fintwit to use its most common abbreviation. Of course, there’s been Brexit and Trump in recent years. Whilst the previous seems oblivious to ever ending (deal or not), the latter seems on the wane following the election. Other topics such as MMT…

Find the questions to solve with alt data

Buzzwords, buzzwords, buzzwords. Every age has different buzzwords. Today, probably some of the most popular are machine data and alternative data, whether you work in finance or any other industry. Want to make more profits? Well, use machine learning, use alternative data etc. (ok, it isn’t that easy, but I’ll explain more later).   Rather…