Monetising Alt Data

How can we help? We help to unlock the value of your data!

Many institutions have significant amounts of data. Every firm now needs a comprehensive data strategy. We can help you understand how this data can be used more effectively. For data companies and corporates, this can involve helping you to understand how your data can be monetised and how you can market your alternative datasets to financial institutions.

Transform how you look at markets with alternative data

For financial institutions, we can also show you how alternative datasets can be used to transform the way you look at markets. We can also help you improve your data analytics capabilities. Below we outline how we can help data companies market their datasets and how we can help financial institutions take advantage of the data science age. Our data consulting projects are totally customised for each client and are led by Saeed Amen. Our consulting projects can both suggest recommendations and also help with the implementation steps.

Get an alternative data consultation

If you are interested in an alternative data consultation chat, please contact!

For data companies and corporates

  • The alternative data space is expanding rapidly, and we can help your firm stand out from the crowd
  • We’ll help you to identify what alternative data you have and we can help you unlock its value
  • We’ll give you advice on how to price your alternative datasets
  • We’ll help you understand whether selling an alternative dataset is the best way to monetise or whether our ways of distribution can be more valuable
  • Commission Cuemacro to do comprehensive white papers on how your alternative datasets can be used by traders, so you’ll be top of the queue for hedge funds looking for data

For financial institutions

  • There are so many alternative datasets today, but many financial market participants are not taking advantage of this in their decision making process
  • Cuemacro provides an independent viewpoint on understanding how you can transform your desk to prosper in the data science age
  • We show how your team can make better use of data, both traditional and alternative datasets
  • We’ll also discuss ways you might be able to monetise your datasets
  • We’ll make suggestions on how you can improve your data analytics
  • We’ll give you a path for moving from Excel to Python
  • We’ll build customised Python data tools tailored to you